MY Access ®   Writers Guide

6.6  Mechanics
Capital Letters
    Rule: Capitalize proper names and the first letter of the first word in a sentence.
      Wrong Way: there was no way chris was going to finish that report by Thursday.
      Right Way: There was no way Chris was going to finish that report by Thursday.
The Dash
    Rule: Use a dash (two hyphens) to show a sharp break in thought.
      Wrong Way: I've been working on this math problem for an hour now and what if I try this number in the equation?
      Right Way: I've been working on this math problem for an hour now--what if I try this number in the equation?
The Hyphen
    Rule: Use a hyphen to make a compound word.
      Wrong Way: Many world-class athletes use computer assisted training.
      Right Way: Many world-class athletes use computer-assisted training.
Quotation Marks
Rule: Use quotation marks to enclose direct quotes, dialogue, words used in a special way, and titles of short literary works: short stories, essays, poems, speeches, and one - act plays (underline titles of novels, etc.).