4.8 Methods
Development: Using Cause and Effect
We couldn't get
through a day without using cause and effect reasoning. You
squeeze the toothpaste (cause) and expect it to come out of the
tube (effect). If it doesn't come out (effect), your roll it
up tighter or squeeze it harder, expecting the revised cause to produce
the desired effect. You watch a weather report to see how today's
causes are going to produce tomorrow's effects. If you watch a
detective or criminal investigation show on television, the whole show
is devoted to working backward from the crime, the effect, to
find the causes, the person(s) who did it.
We're going to develop that second reason in the opinion-reason
outline through the method of using cause and effect. You'll see how
the effect of something not changing is traced back to the cause.
It [the set of 3 photos] would also show that some things don't change.
The things that don't change are kept as they are not by buildings but
by the people who work in them.
We moved the plaque with our mission statement from the old building to
the new one, but the plaque just states what we can all see about the
spirit and quality of our school being caused by the spirit and quality
of the people in it.
Using Cause and Effect
Now, you try using cause and
effect. Start by writing the grade you would like to receive in this
year's social studies class. Then list three things you will have to do
to produce that grade. |
You prewriting will be writing the grade and listing possible causes.
Then pick the three most important causes. Write a draft of a
Grade desired:
Required causes:
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